Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity #3: Reflection

            This interactivity was interesting in so many ways. Our group worked very well together. Initially, Greg tried to get us to be time efficient with this group project and sent out the first email to remind us of the assignment. Shelby set up a meeting for the group, which we later decided not to go through with because it was much easier to accomplish this task online. We all contributed our ideas to the spreadsheet that Katie created. We kept the communication strong between all of us. It was a very pleasant experience. I believe we all had something to learn from one another.
           I believe the inventory list will benefit me in so many ways present day and in my future years of teaching. There are so many technological tools that I learned about while working on this Interactivity. I found it even more interesting that a lot of these devices are free or have free trials. I believe that as future teachers, and with technology growing, these tools will soon become essential in our classrooms.
          Although as a group our main goal was to look for technological aids that can assist us in the English classroom, a lot of these devices can be transferred to other content areas. As an English and Dance Education major, I realized that a lot of the tools can be used in Dance classes as well. Some of the technologies we included were, online blogging, Purdue education writing lab, video and sound recordings, Easy Bib, and so on. A lot of these websites can assist students in achieving there goals cross curricular. These devices benefit students by enhancing their vocabulary, structuring their essays, building on conversation skills, and practicing different methods of studying. All of these can help them improve in other subject areas.

           Therefore, I believe this Interactivity spreadsheet assignment can not only be useful to teachers but also to students. It informs students of what technological tools are accessible to them. It helps teachers be creative in constituting their lessons and making sure that they cover all areas of language and literacy. It can also help teachers make sure they tend to the needs of different learner types: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and so on. The google spreadsheet device is also a convenient way of communicating ideas to others without having to meet in person. This device can be used outside of the classroom since distance is not an issue with Google spreadsheet.



  1. Emily, do you believe that the process was one of authentic collaboration?

    1. Hi Kevin,

      We all contributed the same amount of information. We made sure to come up with research and take note of different ideas. I believe we collaborated the best we could via online. I bet if we were to do this in person there would be a lot more interaction and communication because we would all be present at the same time and place. This was a little different than most group projects because we did not have the luxury of meeting and exchanging information that way. However, I believe we all collaborated to the best of our abilities and it was as authentic is it could be for an online group project.

    2. Emily, so if you had to boil down the essence of collaboration, you would say that interaction and communication would be the key components?

    3. Yes, I believe that interaction and communication are necessary in order to call this a collaborative project.
